wine kits.

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wine kits.

Post by craggy » Fri Jun 16, 2006 11:34 am

whilst in the hb shop the other day i noticed a 7 day 30 bottle wine kit for about £18 think it was called solomon grundy?? anyone got any experience as i wouldnt mind making a big batch to keep for xmas

Road Runner

Post by Road Runner » Fri Jun 16, 2006 7:31 pm

I've never had any experience of making Solomon Grundy kits, I've only ever made Grand Maison & Beaverdale kits. But I have heard, that Solomon Grundy kits don't mature too well, they're better drunk young. Maybe a month or 2 old.

I guess like beer kits, you get what you pay for. I think it's something to do with the quick fermentation time (only 7 days) that limits the life of the wine. I think it's the slow fermenting sugars that give the wine maturity. With beer, you leave the slow fermenting sugars to continue fermenting & give the beer maturity & a slight fizz.

Obviously with wine you have to stop fermentation before bottling, as you don't want your bottles to explode. Stopping fermentation after 7 days will obviously stop the slow fermenting sugars too.

With the more expensive kits, the fermentation time is longer, typically 3-4 weeks, so the slow fermenting sugars have a chance to ferment out. Then they are best if laid down for about a year for whites & 18 months for reds.

I have a few bottles of Beaverdale kits that have been maturing for 2 years. I opened a bottle of Chennin Blanc a couple of months ago & even if I do say so myself, I think it would stand up against some commercial wines.


Post by Bigster » Sat Jun 17, 2006 9:57 am

Whole heartedly agree with RR on that. I have made SG and it is more a BBQ wine.

Beaverdale v good and better value making in large quantities


Post by craggy » Sat Jun 17, 2006 10:01 am

cheers for that , i got myself a solomon grundy kit and got it on the go yesterday, will look out for a beaverdale kit to

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Horden Hillbilly
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Post by Horden Hillbilly » Sat Jun 17, 2006 7:07 pm

Craggy, just a suggestion, if you have enough wine bottles why don't you get a Beaverdale kit as well, you could drink your Solomon Grundy while leaving the Beaverdale to mature.

That way you will be able to make a comparison between the two and decide for yourself which you prefer.

Personally, I prefer the wine kits that do not have added sugar, ie Beaverdale/Vintners Reserve/Selection, although Mrs Hillbilly prefers lighter, less robust wines herself.

It is a matter of personal taste and I am sure that you will find a wine that you will enjoy, there is a vast range to choose from.


Post by craggy » Sat Jun 17, 2006 7:25 pm

once this is done i will get another kit, and ill let that one mature


Post by craggy » Sat Jun 24, 2006 5:52 pm

bottled the kit today , had a taste and it ok, like you said it a cheapy wine but great value for money.

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