Beer Tools Pro Released

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Post by monkey_doctor » Thu Oct 26, 2006 7:52 pm

Steve, could you run your app on pearPC or a similar emulator?


Post by eskimobob » Thu Oct 26, 2006 9:12 pm

steve_flack wrote:I've used RealBasic before though...sadly it sucks. The cross platform thing is about all it has going for it.
Sadly multi-platform programs often have some compromises on all target platforms.


Post by steve_flack » Thu Oct 26, 2006 9:19 pm

The main problem I had with RealBasic is that I ended up spending more time working around bugs in RealBasic than I did fixing my own.

This was a few years back and maybe it's got better now. But I can understand why BTP took six years to write if they used RB. FWIW BeerAlchemy was started in June-ish of last year and the first release was in December. It was written in my spare time and on the commute home.


Post by mysterio » Sat Oct 28, 2006 2:23 pm

I finally shelled out a tenner for Beersmith :x


Post by PieOPah » Sat Oct 28, 2006 3:01 pm

While Beertools looks fancy, it hasn't that much advantage over many of the other available programs.

Sure, it has access to 7,000 recipes (I think it was that many) which are all online. I think there is an internal database of about 700 recipes.

At the end of the day you can get pretty much any recipe you want on the web anyway. Sure, having them instantly available through the prog is a small advantage but in the big scheme of things, most people want to be able to develop their own recipe.

In this instance, all of the programs available will be able to do this. As I have previously said, the ONLY thing that will encourage me to buy this is when they include the ability to generate recipes from a given list of ingredients. This feature is available on the web and I like it and use it a lot. Once it is available in the program, I will consider it!


Post by PieOPah » Fri Nov 03, 2006 4:06 pm

In a moment of madness, I have decided to buy Beertools. Damn it, it looks so shiny compared to everything else.....


Post by PieOPah » Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:00 pm

I have had a small play around with this and it seems like all other brewing software. The only difference is that it looks so much better.

The developer seems very hands on, reading the forums nd checking problems. Also, updates seem to come out quite quickly with new features/fixes.

The one thing that I don't like is that when you save a recipe, it saves it as a file which if you want to open again you will have to browse to. I suppose one advatage of this is that I can work on the file on my laptop and my desktop at the same time without importing/exporting or having duplicates.

Thinking about it, this may work out to be an advantage as I sometimes forget if my desktop has the correct version of the recipe :)

My idea for automatic updates has kind of been implemented. Rather than being automatic it is manual but can now be done through the software (a minimum requirement to software these days I think!). Will be interesting to see how this evolves.

It is going to take some getting used to, but I think I will like it. It is definately a nice shiny piece of software though.

I would recomend this only if you haven't already got a piece of software you like. If you are happy with what you have got then I wouldn't recomend buying this yet.

This software would work best in conjunction with a Gold Membership at the site since you can easily download recipes from other people. As a 'trial member' this is limited to about 5 recipes a month. At least membership isn't a requirement.


Post by DRB » Thu Nov 16, 2006 3:13 pm

I just bought a 3 month gold membership,looked more user friendly than beer mash.Whats different between gold and pro.


Post by DRB » Thu Nov 16, 2006 3:27 pm

Just read the differene on the site,looks more complicated to use,more gaps to fill in,anything with lots of gaps to fill I want to avoid :roll:

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