Irish Moss or Wot.

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Irish Moss or Wot.

Post by TheBigEasy » Sun Oct 08, 2006 7:14 am

What do the experts do?

I have been using Whilrfloc tablets in the boil (Last 15 mins) to aid clarity.
I made the mistake in my last brew of adding 2 tablets when it should have been one. This gave me what I thought was a strange taste to the finishes beer. A Taste that I can remember from years back when I used too much Irish Moss in a brew.

What do you do?
Irish Moss


Post by Seveneer » Sun Oct 08, 2006 8:05 am

Up early Jon :wink:

I use Irish Moss in all my beers except the Hefe and the ones I forget to put it in. Never done a like for like comparison, two identical batches, one with one without, so I can't say for sure how effective it is at ensuring clarity.


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Post by Jim » Sun Oct 08, 2006 8:29 am

Hmm, I've always used Irish Moss, so I don't know what beer's like without it! :shock:

I get a nice settle hop bed, so assumed that was partly down to the Irish Moss - I didn't know of any flavour problems it could cause. Might try without next time - if it makes no difference I've saved myself a few bob in the future.
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Post by Bigster » Sun Oct 08, 2006 8:36 am

Irish Moss - cos Dave Line told me to. :D


Post by RabMaxwell » Sun Oct 08, 2006 8:36 am

Hello all i am supping on a pint of heather ale at the moment that is crystal clear. :D And i stopped using irish moss years ago. :shock: If i have a beer that's taking a while to clear its normally just yeast haze.So i chuck some gelatine into my conditioning tank and wait a week before kegging crystal clear beer. :twisted: I used to filter all my beers to speed things up some years ago but stopped as unfiltered beer tastes better. :) Cheers Rabmaxwell(Brewing in Ayrshire)

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Post by Andy » Sun Oct 08, 2006 8:56 am

Found I'd run out of Irish Moss when brewing my last batch so didn't use anything. Will see how it turns out :)

Road Runner

Post by Road Runner » Sun Oct 08, 2006 9:12 am

Had run out of Irish Moss. So when getting stuff ready for my last brew, I bought some more especially. Then forgot to put it in at the end of the boil... DOH!!! #-o

It doesn't seem to be clearing completely, even after 2 months conditioning. But I don't know if this is down to no Irish Moss though reading other comments here.


Post by Seveneer » Sun Oct 08, 2006 9:32 am

RabMaxwell wrote:Hello all i am supping on a pint of heather ale at the moment
At 07:36 am? Blimey :shock: I'm not worthy of the title "Piss Artist" :lol:


Post by TheBigEasy » Sun Oct 08, 2006 9:34 am

Up early Jon
Not just up early, but out of bed early too. :lol:
I like to get started early when I brew.

As I am brewing a really pale coloured ale today and clarity is important I think I will stay with the whirlfloc tablets but just use one. You are only supposed to use one for 5 gallons anyway.

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Post by jean-yves » Sun Oct 08, 2006 10:43 am

you're very early on sunday morning( 7 am :!: )

I use on every batch Koppakleer tablet (6 gr/200 liters) wich is refined carrageenan.
look at the excellent articl of "Murphy and Son"

Murphy & Son Limited
Alpine Street
Old Basford
Nottingham, NG6 0HQ
Tel: 0115 978 5494
Fax: 0115 924 4654

From : Home > Technical > It'll Be All Bright on the Night ... Bright.htm

JY - replaced the text with a link to the article, hope that is OK but we don't want to get into copyright issues 8) - Andy.


Post by Bigster » Sun Oct 08, 2006 10:56 am


You have just won the award for the longest post ever :D

Good stuff

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Post by jean-yves » Sun Oct 08, 2006 1:14 pm


bigster, just realised that your're from bristol ( :? ), so you may know the Cotswold brewery, if you plan to go to ask for the head brewer ( nick) it's a friend, i'm sure you could get some good stuff from him 8)


Post by Bigster » Sun Oct 08, 2006 3:18 pm

Will do JY - Less than 15 mins drive from me. :D

Actually had some of their beer at the Bitton Railway beer festival this summer - their 'Royal' was one of the best there ( and I tasted 30+ )


Post by mysterio » Sun Oct 08, 2006 4:58 pm

I tend to notice more cold break (I.E. the gunk floating around when you chill the wort) when using whirlfloc rather than irish moss.

Still doesnt kill my chill haze though, I need a couple of weeks cold conditioning for that.


Post by tim » Sun Oct 08, 2006 9:32 pm

Agree with Big E - more precipitation at cold break with whirlfloc. Can't see that 2 will hurt, thoigh not sure about the taste issue.

Noticed the Canadian stirrs vigorously to simulate a whirlpool / centrifuge filter affair - anyone tried it? Am starting to think about getting some lager going now the weather's changed, and chill haze is always a bit of an issue so wondered how it might work ...

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