Affligem Blond

Get advice on making beer from raw ingredients (malt, hops, water and yeast)
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Affligem Blond

Post by Cobnut » Thu Oct 15, 2020 5:07 pm

I'm quite partial to this beer and fancy making something akin to it.

Having not found much to help on the wider internet, I'm coming to THE SOURCE...JBK.

So 2 questions:

1) Recipe guidance? i.e. anyone have a good insight as to what the real Affligem Blond might contain?

2) Yeast: do the bottles contain primary yeast or a bottling yeast? If the latter, what yeast would people use? I've made Belgian style beers with some success in the past using MJ Belgian yeast strains. Happy to go that way again, but having begun using liquid yeasts, also happy to go that route.

Fermenting: Geuze, English bitter
Conditioning: English IPA/Bretted English IPA
Drinking: pseudo “beyond the Firs” (Burnt mill beer clone), Sunshine Marmalade, Festbier, Helles Bock, Smokey lagery beer, Irish Export Stout, Orval clone, Impy stout, Duvel clone, Conestoga (American Barley wine), Dobbin 2 dark mild
Planning: Kozel dark (ish), Simmonds Bitter, Citra PA and more!

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Northern Brewer
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Re: Affligem Blond

Post by Northern Brewer » Fri Oct 16, 2020 11:35 am

Roncoroni & Verstrepen put the colour at 11EBC and bitterness at 14 IBU which is a starting point.

This is the kind of thing where liquid yeast are probably your best option, a fun one might be 3864 PC Canadian/Belgian Ale which is one of the Wyeast Q4 seasonals, allegedly from Unibroue in Quebec, which everyone seems to like. Should give you the banana found in Affligem, particularly if you ferment it warm.

It is diastatic, but that's probably true for the Affligem yeast too given the dryness of the beer.

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