26th Ipswich Beer Festival

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26th Ipswich Beer Festival

Post by vinceg » Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:12 am

Just to let you know, the above event started today. Anyone out there going to be attending? I'll be there Thurs lunch & eve, Fri lunch and Sat afternoon. It's not usually too busy as it's located in the Grand Hall of the Corn Exchange in the town centre so there's plenty of space. You don't ever have to queue.



Post by fivetide » Thu Sep 25, 2008 12:55 pm

I love this year's logo.

There's an oompah band on Friday too...


Post by vinceg » Thu Sep 25, 2008 4:28 pm

Steamed straight in to the milds and porters today as these styles of beer ar rarely available in pubs in my neck of the woods these days and yet are so rich and tasty. Impressed with the Black Buffle.

The commemorative glass is the same shape as last year's, quite tall and narrow, more suitable for lagers I think rather than proper beer. I will be keeping it though to add to my collection.


Post by fivetide » Fri Sep 26, 2008 10:07 am

Ever go to The Dove Inn?


Post by Bongo » Fri Sep 26, 2008 12:15 pm

A fine beer Black Buffle i have tried it a few times,pity i couldn't make it there this year,always a good festival Ipswich i also loved the winter one when it was held there as well.


Post by vinceg » Fri Sep 26, 2008 5:35 pm

Yeh, occasionally go to the Dove when they have their festivals, but if drinking in town I generally go to Mannings which always has Adnams, Pride, Broadside and one from a rotating list of guests. Mannings is nicely central for buses. I should really walk out to the Dove and the Fat Cat a little more as there is far greater choice.

I tried a couple of the German beers on offer at the BF today, one being a smoked beer - absolutely delicious! I tried something similar when in Germany in Jan so was delighted to see this one on offer. You stick your nose in the glass and the aroma is amazing, then when you taste it you get a real tasty mouthful of smokiness, followed by a slightly bitter malty taste. Superb stuff.

My drinking buddy is a cider man and I'm not averse, provided it is the less gassy cloudy stuff. We noticed a barrel labelled Rough Scrumpy, so he bought a half. Never have I tasted anything so foul! Incredibly sour and vinegary, it looked not unlike a glass of orange juice. I suppose the name was a bit of a clue, it certainly did what it said on the tin, in fact the tin would probably dissolve!

I think I've tried all the milds and porters on offer now, so back for another session tomorrow afternoon to work on some of the bitters.

Hapy days!

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