"Lager Than Life" Lager-only competition - NOW LIVE!

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"Lager Than Life" Lager-only competition - NOW LIVE!

Post by beerhead » Sun Nov 04, 2018 7:05 pm

LAGER THAN LIFE is open for entries!

First UK lager-only homebrew competition is coming in March 2019 courtesy of LAB!

What’s “Lager Than Life” you ask?
It’s a homebrew competition for beers fermented with only lager yeast (bottom-fermenting) and which were traditionally lagered.

An Awards Ceremony and open tasting of the entries will take place on the evening of 9th March 2019 at Pillars Brewery in Walthamstow, London.

Head here to register yourself and your entries:
https://competitions.londonamateurbrewe ... erthanlife

There is a limit of 110 entries until we can confirm judge numbers, and for the time being there is a limit of 1 entry per person.

After you registered there is plenty of time to plan your lagers,
brew them and then cold store using winter conditions.

Open to all homebrewers.
Go! Go! Go!

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