Ron Pattinson mild webinar

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Ron Pattinson mild webinar

Post by f00b4r » Tue Sep 24, 2019 7:38 pm

Ron just announced on his blog that he will be giving a Mild webinar at 10pm CET (9pm GMT) on the 30th September:

“Mild webinar

Next Monday (30th September) at 10 PM Dutch time (4 PM Eastern US time) I'll be giving a webinar on Mild Ale. ... d/register

So if you want to hear me ramble on endlessly about Mild - something my kids have made very clear they don't want to do - sign up and tune in. It's bound to be loads of fun for like-minded obsessives.”

The details on the Crowdcast page:

“Ron Pattinson: Revealing the Not So Mild, Vintage British Mild Ales By Doug Piper

Ron will take us through how much the British Mild Ale has changed over the last two centuries.

This is a rare opportunity to hear from one of the world's most prominent beer historians.

What You Will Learn:

Vintage British Mild Ales were quite different than the modern British Mild Ale.
Why it was sold "young" and without aging
It's alcohol levels, hops and color were important factors.
Question and Answer:

Ron will answer questions following the presentation.”

Sounds like it could be good, especially with him taking questions from the audience, as oppsosed to a podcast.

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