2nd Brew - Blue Moon Style Extract Brew Questions

Discussion on brewing beer from malt extract, hops, and yeast.
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2nd Brew - Blue Moon Style Extract Brew Questions

Post by MTomlinson » Sun Sep 01, 2019 12:26 pm

I have one brew under my belt, which was an IPA recipe kit by Northern Brewer that came with the NB Deluxe Starter Kit.

I was hoping to do another NB kit (American Wheat) for my second brew but Iv found out they do not ship to the U.K.

I can’t seem to find an American Wheat kit that’s available in the U.K., and since I want to make something similar to Blue Moon anyway, Iv decided il just source the ingredients myself and use the NB kit instructions from their website as a guide.

https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2785/ ... 7498318451

I plan to do 2x 2.5 gallon batch’s, 2.5 gallon Blue Moon clone and 2.5 gallon Blue Moon style but with a different fruit component instead of orange.

So I have a few queries:

Wheat malt extract - the last kit (IPA) I had both LME and DME included. The wheat kit instructions only specify LME. From what I understand either LME or DME can be used so why was both used in the last recipe I did ?

The last kit I had involved steeping grains, is there a steeping step I could add that would get me closer to a Blue Moon style or is it not necessary ? The partial mash blue moon clone recipe I have seen involves multiple grains aswel as the malt extract.

How do I incorporate the fruit components into the brew process ?

For the clone batch I need to add orange and coriander
For the experiment batch I’m thinking of adding mango or blueberry

The American Wheat instructions specify Willamette and Cascade Hops, but according to Blue Moon clone recipes I have seen I need Hellertau Hops. However it doesn’t specify which type of Hellertau I need there multiple available. Which will be best ?

The American Wheat instructions specify Saf US-05 or Wy1010 yeast but according the Blue Moon recipes I have seen they suggest Wy1056. Which will be best ? From what I understand I need a neutral yeast that dosnt overly effect flavour.

Any help and guidance appreciated.

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Re: 2nd Brew - Blue Moon Style Extract Brew Questions

Post by sandimas » Sun Sep 01, 2019 3:21 pm

I brewed a partial-mash Wit yesterday, the one from the Greg Hughes book. I used dried yeast MJ21 Belgian Wit as I've used before.

I don't think it matters too much on the type of Hallertau as with Wit's all the hops go in at the start of the boil for bitterness. I'd just go with what you can get.

I can't think why they used LME and DME in your last kit, as you say you can use either. LME has water content so you need more of it compared to DME.

For the orange and coriander, add it 5mins from the end of the boil (I did this yesterday). Not sure about fruit, never used it in beer.

I've had a look at a few Blue Moon recipe on the web but can't see one with steeping grain, can you provide a link? It should be fairly easy to make up a recipe, it's best to size the recipe for full bags of DME or cans on LME as you don't want any left-overs as it won't keep.

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Re: 2nd Brew - Blue Moon Style Extract Brew Questions

Post by Robwalkeragain » Sun Sep 01, 2019 3:23 pm

LME/DME - no idea, they’re the same thing, although they vary in what gravity you’ll get per kg.

Mango - indian section of supermarket, pulped tinned mango is cheap and sterile so just pour it in after fermentation and let it ferment again.

US-05 is fine. No need for liquid yeast

Hop variety don’t sweat it too much, hop aroma is very low in blue moon and the fruit will overpower everything, so just use a bittering hop and get your IBU correct for your boil addition. You probably want Hallertau Tradition or Mittelfruh, blanc is much fruiter, might be nice in this style though.

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Re: 2nd Brew - Blue Moon Style Extract Brew Questions

Post by MTomlinson » Sun Jan 17, 2021 10:45 pm

Over a year later (life gets in the way of hobbies) but I’m nearly in a position to actually do this second brew. Ordered all the grains etc.

My Plan:

2.25kg DME Wheat

Can I steep the following ? Or do I need to partial mash ?

0.45kg White Wheat
0.45kg Pale 2 Row
0.35kg Rolled Oats

1oz Hallertau Mittlefrau (60 min boil)

Coriander:Valencia Orange Peel (3:1 10 min Boil)

Not sure on quantity so thinking start low and work up in future batches.

Yeast SafAle US-05

5.2% ABV

Just need to have a good think about the method steps and get a solid plan in place.

Also just acquired a nice big larder fridge (£80 bargain) so fermentation should be well controlled this brew, will be converting that into a fermentation fridge this weekend.
Last edited by MTomlinson on Mon Jan 18, 2021 9:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: 2nd Brew - Blue Moon Style Extract Brew Questions

Post by Kingfisher4 » Mon Jan 18, 2021 10:05 am

I researched this late 2019. It is the favourite beer have a friend who is due to stay with us last year, Covid-19 stopped that, but I still experimented with the Brew.

All grain, rather than extract and steep, but you’ve obviously done your research. Other friends enjoyed the first batch so much, I repeated it. Tasted side-by-side with bottled commercial equivalent and it was very similar. I used US-05

Quantities of crushed coriander seed, in pestle and mortar immediately prior to Brewing were 1 g/L of the planned fermentation volume, added 10 minutes before the end of boil. Dried bitter orange peel also 1 g/L at the same time. Gave authentic levels of flavouring. Used 25 g of each, aiming to get 25 L fermenting.
Last edited by Kingfisher4 on Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:58 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 2nd Brew - Blue Moon Style Extract Brew Questions

Post by Rookie » Mon Jan 18, 2021 7:29 pm

American wheat is pretty flexible, use whatever hop you like.
I'd stick with all dme.
Don't worry about steeping grains, you want the coriander and orange to be the focus.
S-05 is a dry version of 1056. K-97 is a good choice for American wheat.
Add fruit to the f v once primary fermentation is done.
Steep those three grains for 30 minutes at the right temperature and you have a mini smash since the 2-row and wheat are base grains.
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Re: 2nd Brew - Blue Moon Style Extract Brew Questions

Post by MTomlinson » Mon Jan 18, 2021 9:27 pm

Kingfisher4 wrote:
Mon Jan 18, 2021 10:05 am
I researched this late 2019. It is the favourite beer have a friend who is due to stay with us last year, Covid-19 stopped that, but I still experimented with the Brew.

All grain, rather than extract and steep, but you’ve obviously done your research. Other friends the first batch so much, I repeated it. Tasted side-by-side with bottled commercial equivalent and it was very similar. I used US-05

Quantities of crushed coriander seed, in pestle and mortar immediately prior to Brewing were 1 g/L of the planned fermentation volume, added 10 minutes before the end of boil. Dried bitter orange peel also 1 g/L at the same time. Gave authentic levels of flavouring. Used 25 g of each, aiming to get 25 L fermenting.
All Grains not going to be an option for me need to get some more brews under my belt before investing.

All I have equipment wise is what came with the Northern Brewer deluxe starter set + a 10Gal brew pot.

From further research Iv found that my planned steeping grains (White Wheat, Pale 2-Row and Oats) are “must mash” grains. Does this mean I will get nothing at all from steeping them ? Or is it just a case that il get optimum use of them by mashing ?


I need to get my head around a partial mash before brew day. It’s seems like I don’t need much extra in terms of equipment and seems a similar process with a few extra steps.

I’d bought some small nylon bags for steeping the grains, would these be ok for the partial mash ? Or am I better getting a large nylon bag I can put around the full brew pot?

The ratio is interesting I’d read the actual Blue Moon was a 3:1 on the spice:fruit, but I might have a play about with it and try 1:1 as you suggest. Blue Moon is one of my favourites so I intend to brew this a good few times.
Last edited by MTomlinson on Mon Jan 18, 2021 9:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: 2nd Brew - Blue Moon Style Extract Brew Questions

Post by MTomlinson » Mon Jan 18, 2021 9:33 pm

Rookie wrote:
Mon Jan 18, 2021 7:29 pm
Steep those three grains for 30 minutes at the right temperature and you have a mini smash since the 2-row and wheat are base grains.
So steeping them would still be effective and a partial mash isn’t a must ?

Falling off the Barstool
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Re: 2nd Brew - Blue Moon Style Extract Brew Questions

Post by Rookie » Tue Jan 19, 2021 7:12 pm

MTomlinson wrote:
Mon Jan 18, 2021 9:33 pm
Rookie wrote:
Mon Jan 18, 2021 7:29 pm
Steep those three grains for 30 minutes at the right temperature and you have a mini smash since the 2-row and wheat are base grains.
So steeping them would still be effective and a partial mash isn’t a must ?
Steeping at the right temperature for 30 minutes is a mini-mash if base grains are included.
I'm just here for the beer.

Hollow Legs
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Re: 2nd Brew - Blue Moon Style Extract Brew Questions

Post by Kingfisher4 » Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:03 am

If you haven't already come across it "Brewing Classic Styles" might be a useful book; award winning recipes (American) all with extract +/- steeped grain versions. Covers most general beer styles.

https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com ... 3,200_.jpg

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