Cheap brew pot

Discussion on brewing beer from malt extract, hops, and yeast.
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Cheap brew pot

Post by Oscar » Thu May 07, 2020 9:34 am

Hello, I'm a student so I'm brewing on a very low budget...
I've bought a 12L Wilko stock pot and a 24L fermentation bucket. So far I sterilized 12L of water alone, put it in the bucket, then brewed the other 12L with 24L proportions.

Is this good practice, does this have an impact on the brew quality?

Thanks guys !!!

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Re: Cheap brew pot

Post by Hairybiker » Thu May 07, 2020 10:17 am

How/what are you brewing, are you using a kit or grain in a bag ?
You also don't need to sanitize the water only the kit i.e. the bucket and anything that contacts the brew mix (wort)

more info needed

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Re: Cheap brew pot

Post by Oscar » Thu May 07, 2020 6:06 pm

Hello, I'd be using extract or BIAB, to brew IPA or lagers.
I would've sanitize the bucket yes.
Let me reformulate my question: I'm limited by my brew kettle capacity, so can I do 12L of wort, put it in the sterile bucket, then dilute the wort with 12L of cooled boiled (sterile) water? Then add the yeast and aerate.

I hope this makes more sense.

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Re: Cheap brew pot

Post by bitter_dave » Thu May 07, 2020 9:03 pm

Hi Oscar, you can boil 10 litres with about a kilo of dried malt extract (or a bit more if using liquid) then add the remaining malt extract at the end. Add this to your fermenting bin and top up with water. You should boil with less extract if you are boiling with a smaller amount otherwise the bitterness from the hops will be reduced.

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