First extract brew for a while, London Pride-ish

Discussion on brewing beer from malt extract, hops, and yeast.
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Steady Drinker
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First extract brew for a while, London Pride-ish

Post by IHN » Mon Sep 14, 2020 4:23 pm

I found an online recipe for a London Pride clone, and I had most of the bits, so I thought I'd us it as a basis for a nice session bitter:

250g Crystal 180 steeped in 8l for about three quarters of an hour
In with 20g each of Target and Challenger for an hour’s boil
10g of EKG in for the last ten mins.

That’ll go in the fermenter with 2.5kg of DME, topped up to 23l. I think I'll call it 'Cockney B@stard' :-)

Falling off the Barstool
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Re: First extract brew for a while, London Pride-ish

Post by Rookie » Mon Sep 14, 2020 6:12 pm

Looks good. What yeast?
I'm just here for the beer.

Steady Drinker
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Re: First extract brew for a while, London Pride-ish

Post by IHN » Tue Sep 15, 2020 9:14 am

Yeast is Safale S04

Had a bit of a moment once it was in the fermenter and into the brewfridge, and I drew a bit off to check the OG. It was about 1.000, which had me puzzled for a minute or so. Then I noticed the unopened bag of DME sitting on the worktop... What an eejit.

So, dissolved the DME it in as little water as possible, gave it a quick boil, cooled it as quick as I could and stirred it into the fermentor. OG was 1.035, so it'll probably come out at about 3.5/3.6-ish% ABV, which is fine.

CJJ Berry
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Re: First extract brew for a while, London Pride-ish

Post by CJJ Berry » Thu Dec 30, 2021 11:10 am

I use LME , yeast hops and water don't the the twang, but I do transfer to a second vessel for at least a week and leave my ales to mature.

Happy brewing whichever method you use.

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