Mangrove jacks

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Mangrove jacks

Post by Crafty Tim » Mon Mar 08, 2021 1:22 pm

Hi all,

Hope everyone is well . I've got two brews on the go at the moment (both unwanted gifts from others) , a red wine and some Tequila larger. They're doing nicely but once they're out of the way I'm looking at trying a Mangrove jack kit and was wondering if any of you have used them before?

They look and sound awesome to be fair!!

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Re: Mangrove jacks

Post by soupdragon » Mon Mar 08, 2021 4:19 pm

The ones I've done have turned out great but don't expect a flying start from your fermentation. Their yeast can be verrrry slow to start. Does a good job once it's going but 2-3 days before any real signs can be the norm

Cheers. Tom

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Re: Mangrove jacks

Post by Cobnut » Mon Mar 08, 2021 5:00 pm

soupdragon wrote:
Mon Mar 08, 2021 4:19 pm
The ones I've done have turned out great but don't expect a flying start from your fermentation. Their yeast can be verrrry slow to start. Does a good job once it's going but 2-3 days before any real signs can be the norm

Cheers. Tom
Surely, the answer is to buy a second pack of yeast?

IMO, pitching pack of yeast in 23L (ish) of 1040-1050 wort is marginal at best. Stick a second pack in and fermentaion should start more quickly and continue to a good result.

I pitched 2 (rehydrated) packs of Lallemand/Verdant IPA yeast in my 19.5L of 1057 wort.

Picthed at 2.30 pm and by midday today there was the beginnings of a decent krausen forming, and my |Tilt hydrometer is telling me that the SG was already down to 1053.
Fermenting: lambic, Munich Dunkel
Conditioning: English IPA/Bretted English IPA, historic London Porter, Hazelweiss 2024
Drinking: Helles Bock, Orval clone, Impy stout, Conestoga, Simmonds Bitter, cascade wet hop pale, Porter 2
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Re: Mangrove jacks

Post by Crafty Tim » Mon Mar 08, 2021 5:01 pm

soupdragon wrote:The ones I've done have turned out great but don't expect a flying start from your fermentation. Their yeast can be verrrry slow to start. Does a good job once it's going but 2-3 days before any real signs can be the norm

Cheers. Tom
Ahh Tom , thanks for that mate Image much appreciated. There's a few I fancy doing so will give them a go for my next few brews. Any recommendations?

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Re: Mangrove jacks

Post by Crafty Tim » Mon Mar 08, 2021 5:03 pm

Cobnut wrote:
soupdragon wrote:
Mon Mar 08, 2021 4:19 pm
The ones I've done have turned out great but don't expect a flying start from your fermentation. Their yeast can be verrrry slow to start. Does a good job once it's going but 2-3 days before any real signs can be the norm

Cheers. Tom
Surely, the answer is to buy a second pack of yeast?

IMO, pitching pack of yeast in 23L (ish) of 1040-1050 wort is marginal at best. Stick a second pack in and fermentaion should start more quickly and continue to a good result.

I pitched 2 (rehydrated) packs of Lallemand/Verdant IPA yeast in my 19.5L of 1057 wort.

Picthed at 2.30 pm and by midday today there was the beginnings of a decent krausen forming, and my |Tilt hydrometer is telling me that the SG was already down to 1053.
Image I'll bare that I'm mind when I get the kit.

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Re: Mangrove jacks

Post by soupdragon » Mon Mar 08, 2021 10:57 pm

Cobnut wrote:
Mon Mar 08, 2021 5:00 pm
Surely, the answer is to buy a second pack of yeast?

IMO, pitching pack of yeast in 23L (ish) of 1040-1050 wort is marginal at best. Stick a second pack in and fermentaion should start more quickly and continue to a good result.

I pitched 2 (rehydrated) packs of Lallemand/Verdant IPA yeast in my 19.5L of 1057 wort.

Picthed at 2.30 pm and by midday today there was the beginnings of a decent krausen forming, and my |Tilt hydrometer is telling me that the SG was already down to 1053.
Whenever I brew from grain and use other yeasts I have activity within 12-24 hours from one pack, pitched dry.
Just for the record I've brewed the MJ kits short at 19ltrs by just using the pouch and the lower gravity/higher ratio of yeast has made no difference to how the kits have started.
I do think that rehydration will speed things up a little though.

Cheers. Tom

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Re: Mangrove jacks

Post by Bibinimis » Fri Mar 26, 2021 5:41 pm

I think MJ kits are good but the problem with recommendations is that tastes vary. From the Craft Series I have done the American Pale Ale which was not particularly to my taste and the Helles Lager which I preferred though found the hops a bit "sherbetty". From the cheaper Brewer's series I have done the New Zealand Pale Ale twice. The first one I mixed with 1kg of Youngs BKE plus 200g of white sugar and used the kit yeast. It seemed a little thin and bland and the yeast lifted in the bottle. With the second one I used Coopers number 3 BKE plus 300g of dextrose Wilkos Gervin yeast and a mere 10g of Cascade hops. I don't recall it getting off to a spectacular fermentation but the end result is vastly superior and in fact it has needed two months in the bottle for the hoppiness to become balanced. The layer of yeast in the bottle is much firmer giving a clearer drink and reducing wastage as all but the last few drops can be confidently poured into the glass.

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Re: Mangrove jacks

Post by MashBag » Sat Mar 27, 2021 8:26 am

soupdragon wrote:
Mon Mar 08, 2021 4:19 pm
The ones I've done have turned out great but don't expect a flying start from your fermentation. Their yeast can be verrrry slow to start. Does a good job once it's going but 2-3 days before any real signs can be the norm

Cheers. Tom
That's not a norm. That is a fault. Either the process or the yeast is the issue. I suspect the latter.

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