WalesAles Raspberry and Ginger TC

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WalesAles Raspberry and Ginger TC

Post by tazzymutt » Mon Jun 23, 2014 2:07 pm

A couple of weeks ago WalesAles sent me two bottles of brew to try. Once I had got through his Royal Mail proof packaging (about half an hours work; I reckon those bottles would have gone through a motorway pile up without breaking) it felt almost a shame to drink them; they'd spent so much time trying to survive... Despite this, I placed the turbo cider in the fridge to chill ready for a taste test.

In his PM, WA told me that he had sent a bottle of "Raspberry Ginger TC (not enough Ginger) for the Ladies. Bottled 2/3/14, 7.6%". Well, I was not going to let Mrs Tazzymutt do all the tasting (especially at 7.6%; I need her sober to cook my dinner later, when I'm too wasted to do it).

The bottle opened with a very satisfying "pfffutt" and a small cloud of CO2; always a good sign. Pouring into a couple of small stem beer glasses proved that the colour, a gentle rose or salmon hue, was not the bottle but was real. The aroma had a gentle raspberry note that left no doubt about the fruit used in the brew while leaving me hopeful that it would not be over powering. There was a nice head, not creamy but nice and tight with small bubbles.

Now I should confess at this point that I am not a big cider drinker; one bottle a year is about all I can usually manage and that only if I have been unfortunate enough to find myself in a bar with only fizzy beer or lager available. Fruit ciders (other than apple :shock: ) that I have tried have all been so sweet that I can almost feel my teeth trying to retract into my gums in order to avoid dissolving in the sugar. So it was with some apprehension that I lifted the glass and tried a small, very small, taste. My only hope was that the ginger (which I love) might offset some of the fruitiness. I was not hopeful.

The first small sip sat on my tongue for a few seconds. I could feel it fizzing but could not really detect the heavy sugars I was expecting. Sure, it was sweet, but not unpleasantly. In fact it was very comparable sweetness wise with the Brewferm Framboos that always hits the spot, ice cold on a hot day when sat by a BBQ. I could not detect the ginger at all at this point. I swallowed and suddenly the ginger appeared, leaving a warm glow in the mouth that beautifully matched the relatively subtle raspberry flavours in the mouth. Wow! I was impressed. Sweet, but not toe curlingly so and with sufficient ginger to add a gentle tickle to the back of the throat without overpowering the gentle raspberry flavours. The head lasted nicely right to the bottom of the glass and by the time I got there, Mrs T was asking me why I had not made any yet…

I reckon that counts as a win!

Thank you WA for the chance to try that. Now all I need to do is work out the details of the brew, how much ginger, how it was added, ditto the raspberries etc, etc, etc and I too could make a perfect summer afternoon cider.

Happy brewing,


PS I also received a bottle of WA's Weiss / Saison brew. I will need to find time to try that properly as it is a full pint and Mrs T will not drink that (and would not be allowed to try :wink: )

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Re: WalesAles Raspberry and Ginger TC

Post by MarkA » Tue Jun 24, 2014 4:41 pm

That sounds lovely, tazzymutt! I might try adding ginger to my next raspberry brew.

I wonder if WalesAles would be kind enough to tell us how much he used? :)


Re: WalesAles Raspberry and Ginger TC

Post by tazzymutt » Wed Jun 25, 2014 2:43 pm

MarkA wrote:That sounds lovely, tazzymutt! I might try adding ginger to my next raspberry brew.

I wonder if WalesAles would be kind enough to tell us how much he used? :)
I did ask him and he provided the following reply:
I used 50gr grated ginger, not enough because you can`t taste it. Other threads point to 150 - 200gr grated ginger.
I use 3 bottles Polish Syrup for my TC.
Get into it Tazzy, it is so easy to make and you never get a failed brew! :D
If you read the first page of the `Cheap Tasty Raspberryade` post, 7.9%, (second2none says 5 - 5.5%, but with all that sugar, no way!) that stuff is awesome! I reduced the sugar to 1Kg for 15 Lts Brew and the SG is 1048, so should finish at 6.5%! :D :twisted:
Hope that helps (I have yet to find time to read the thread he pointed to; it's not as big as the Ditches Stout thread but it is still going to take some time to read).

I need to find time to do some reading because this is definitely on the "make some" list.

Happy brewing,


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Re: WalesAles Raspberry and Ginger TC

Post by MarkA » Fri Jun 27, 2014 12:43 pm

Cheers Ian, I'll have a read through when I've got a bit of time :)

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Re: WalesAles Raspberry and Ginger TC

Post by WalesAles » Fri Jun 27, 2014 1:15 pm

As Tazzy said, I put in 50Gr grated Real Ginger in 18Lts, I can`t taste the Ginger but Tazzy can and he loves it.
So i`m a but stuck now as to increase Ginger Quantity or leave as is. Put the Ginger in at the start of the Brew.
3 bottles Polish Raspberry Syrup
3 mugs Tea (4 bags each)
50Gr Grated Real Ginger
2 large Bramleys Grated
3 tsp Yeast and 3 tsp Yeast nutrient in @ 22deg
Made to 18Lts with Tesco basic Apple juice
OG 1060 FG 1004 ABV 7.6%


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Re: WalesAles Raspberry and Ginger TC

Post by MarkA » Fri Jun 27, 2014 1:26 pm

Thanks WA, I'm definitely going to give this a go when I've got a spare FV!


Re: WalesAles Raspberry and Ginger TC

Post by tazzymutt » Fri Jun 27, 2014 5:04 pm

It appears that I have to get busy tomorrow drinking someone else's beer so will not have any brewing time. However if Sunday runs according to plan, Mrs T should wake up with a headache so will not be giving me things to do and a quick 18 litre Raspberry and Ginger TC becomes a real possibility.

Although I really enjoyed WA's TC, I think I will increase the ginger to 75g or 100g. I love ginger, so don't mind having a little more of it in the flavour profile.

Happy brewing,


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Re: WalesAles Raspberry and Ginger TC

Post by WalesAles » Sat Jun 28, 2014 7:41 pm

Good for you mate for getting on the TC bandwagon.
Can`t wait for the results of the Ginger amount increase! :D
Any questions, don`t hesitate to ask and I will hold your hand right through the Brew! :D :D


Re: WalesAles Raspberry and Ginger TC

Post by tazzymutt » Mon Jun 30, 2014 3:45 pm

WalesAles wrote:Tazzy,
Good for you mate for getting on the TC bandwagon.
Can`t wait for the results of the Ginger amount increase! :D
I'm contemplating getting a few demijohns and doing a series of brews with differing amounts of ginger and raspberry. It may be a little while before I can start.
I will hold your hand right through the Brew! :D :D
Quite an appealing idea but should you have said that in open forum :oops:

Happy brewing,


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