Pardon me for resuscitating an old thread...
In what was a surprising development, I've been fairly pleased with the few batches of Southern English Brown I've made of late. The recipes I used were not dissimilar to Jamil Zainasheff's
recipe. High mash temp, loads of spec malts (~25%), however as much as I respect his work, I don't really want to use saccharine as per the late great Dave Line. Previously I've used Wy1026, they were quite clean and refreshing (not thin, watery or boring though), other brewers liked them, so I thought I'd try Wy1768 for malt emphasis and perhaps some fruit character, if it gets too pushy or cantankerous I'll go back to 1026. This is the third attempt in this current series, I'd welcome any suggestions or observations.
Code: Select all
Size: 22.2 litres
OG: 1.040, FG:1.010, Alc(abv):3.9, IBU:16.6, SRM: 26.9
Name amount units pppg lov %
Bairds Perle 2.10 kg 1.038 4.0 58.5%
Weyermann Munich II 0.60 kg 1.036 9.0 16.7%
Simpsons Heritage Crystal 0.22 kg 1.036 90.0 6.1%
British Chocolate 0.20 kg 1.034 475.0 5.6%
Thomas Fawcett Dark Caramalt 0.14 kg 1.034 55.0 3.9%
British Brown 0.11 kg 1.032 70.0 3.1%
German Wheat Caramel 0.11 kg 1.038 45.0 3.1%
Weyermann Rye Caramel 0.08 kg 1.036 65.0 2.2%
German Carafa Special 0.03 kg 1.030 900.0 0.8%
Step Temp End Ramp Min
alpha 69.0 69.0 0 90
Name amount units Alpha Min IBU
Northdown 24.00 g 5.8 70.0 16.6
Yeast: Wyeast 1768PC English Special Bitter
90 minute boil
Caramelise 2L whole wort and return to boil
Ferment 18C
Thorough diacetyl rest