Wheat Malt 2670 grams
Lager Malt 755 grams
Pale Malt 755 grams?
Caramalt 305 grams?
Crystal Malt 77 grams?
Hallertauer Hersbrucker Whole 2.8 % 90 mins 35 grams
Hallertauer Hersbrucker Whole 2.8 % 15 mins 10 grams
Final Volume: 19 Litres
Original Gravity: 1.054
Bitterness: 14EBU
A couple of questions tho....
1. The original recipe calls for
Wheat Malt - I've got
Lager Malt - I've got
Vienna Malt - which I haven't got, so I was going to replace it with either Amber Malt, or Pale Malt - Which Should I use?
and Caramunich, which I haven't got, so I was going to replace it with either, Caramalt of Crystal Malt - Again, Which Should I use?
2. In Grahams Water treatment calculator, what's the best target liquor setting to use?
3. I'll be using Safbrew WB-06, I want a nice banana flavour, so am I right in thinking to ferment at 20c?
Cheers guys