
For any alcoholic brew that doesn't fit into any of the above categories!


Post by moobli » Thu Sep 10, 2009 4:07 pm

has anyone on here had any success with this brew
mine hit 21 days yesterday and i bottled it and tasted it ,thick sugery syrup
had a look on a couple of search engines for tips
only two things i could find is that it is meant to be clear ,taste like ethenol,and it needs to be filtered
mine has gone back into a pot warmed up to 23%c more lime juice added and a fast acting yeast gone in and back into a dj for another week or so
then im going to either put a kwickclear in it or just filter it and hope
any clues


Re: kilju

Post by mrbenbod » Thu Sep 10, 2009 7:17 pm

In case anyone else is wondering, and at the risk of Wikipedia being correct:

"Kilju (Finnish pronunciation: [ˈkilju]), in English also known as sugar wine, is a Finnish home-made alcoholic beverage made primarily from water, sugar, and yeast"


Re: kilju

Post by moobli » Thu Sep 10, 2009 7:56 pm

thanks for the clarifacation =D>
any one else had a go at this type of brew =D>


Re: kilju

Post by moobli » Tue Sep 15, 2009 8:18 am

found a site
giving a step by step plan for making kilju
i didnt let air in for the first 24hrs and didnt re rack every time sediment formed
but i am now getting there managed to rescue my batch and am re reacking today as it is clearing and has 2mm layer of sediment on the bottom


Re: kilju

Post by Pronay » Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:42 am

I've heard of it, I saw it on a documentary about Alaskan prisons, they we're making it there.

What do you do with it when it's finished? Add some sort of liquor flavorings?


Re: kilju

Post by moobli » Fri Oct 02, 2009 9:34 am

you add a mixer and drink it just as you would vodka or gin


Re: kilju

Post by EoinMag » Fri Oct 02, 2009 11:32 am

I've just ordered one of the high percentage turbo yeasts, can you show us the site that you found that describes the method for making kilju?


Re: kilju

Post by moobli » Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:04 pm

ill try to re find it
there is another thread on here
under "clear brew"


Re: kilju

Post by moobli » Tue Oct 06, 2009 12:59 pm

OK, giving it a try

3kg sugar
2 teaspoons yeast nutrient
2 teaspoons Youngs Super Yeast
4 tablespoons PLJ

Made up to 10 litres which gave me a starting SG of 1.110
I'll see how it goes in a week or two
from deepinvaders and dreadskins clear brew thread back in august 11th


Re: kilju

Post by EoinMag » Tue Oct 06, 2009 1:46 pm

Just waiting on my order to get in then it's 23% firewater here we come :)

I think it'll be worth harvesting this yeast to keep for future endeavours also.


Re: kilju

Post by moobli » Tue Oct 06, 2009 2:41 pm

have a look at deepinvaders pictures
sublime is the word


Re: kilju

Post by moobli » Tue Oct 06, 2009 2:44 pm

/ \___________________________________________/ \
/ Kilju recipe (Kil`yu) \
/ by J3tn0de \

I know that everyone has been in a situation like this "where to get some booze?"
some people dont have friends old enough to buy it from store heres a solution,
make it your self!

Here's what you need.

2 milk (one gallon) cartons (or 1,5 liter "pönikkä" finnish juice bottle)
one pack Fleishmenn's (or any other brand) baking yeast
3 quarts of water (one quart is about 1.10 liter)
1/2 cup of apple juice concentrate or alternatively one pealed and sliced lemon.
5 cups of sugar

First of all you gotta wash your milk cartons very well.
Then mix two and half quarts of body temperature water and 5 cups of sugar in any
kind of clean pot or bowl. Funnel the mixture into the carton. Then add 1/2 cup of apple
juice concentrate or small lemon slices. Mix the yeast and half quarts of body temperature
water and funnel it to the carton and shake it. Then you gotta find a good place for your carton
which is called Poika (the son). The place must be about 72 - 76 degrees warm (room temp) and
you should also notice that your Poika will start smell a little bit. Another good thing to
remember is that Poika will produce quite a bit CO 2 and mayby some foam too. That's why you
have only three quarts of water in your carton, rest of the space is for the pressure and foam.
You gotta leave an escape for the pressure and that's why you put the cap on without screwing it
so that pressure can come out. Check the pressure regularly so it doesn't explode. You should
notice some pressure coming out in about 24-48 hours, or otherwise your yeast is dead because of
too hot water or your place for Poika is too cold. After couple days you can shake your Poika a
little bit.

In 7-14 days your kilju should be ready. Kilju is ready when it doesn't produce any more
pressure. If your son doesn't show any more marks of living after couple days, don't drink it
because it still has some yeast left and it will turn your stomach upsidedown. After you are
sure that your kilju is ready, you must change the carton. Be careful when you handle your
Poika, so that you don't mix the bottom's sentiment and clear kilju. When you funnel your clear
kilju leave the sentiment into the first carton. Then place your kilju into a cool place for a
day or two. Now your kilju is ready for drinking and be sure that you drink it straight from the
milk carton. The alcohol percentage of this kilju should be about 13-15%, so it's like strong
wine but tastes better.

this was the rebel version
also seen one that has rye bread thrown in
go figure


Re: kilju

Post by EoinMag » Wed Oct 07, 2009 8:32 am

Ok I had a read of that thread again, thanks.

Defo looking forward now to putting on 5 Gallons of this stuff. I have the spare carboys and all it'll cost is a few bags of sugar. My wife also has a big order of cool aid coming which she wants to use to dye some clothes, so I think I might experiment with that as a flavour in some of this stuff.

The yeast I'm getting says this:
Alcotec 23% Turbo makes 23% alcohol from 10.5kg of glucose (dextrose monohydrate) brewing sugar.

Gonna have to be stepped additions of sugar to get this up to the intended 23%

That's the flavourings section on leyland.


Re: kilju

Post by EoinMag » Wed Oct 07, 2009 5:49 pm

This 23% alcohol kit has arrived. It's weird stuff, has a huge pack of dried yeast with it, about 50g of yeast in it, and about 100g of yeast nutrient and a pack of activated carbon, you apparently pitch the whole lot with 10.5kg glucose, no other type of sugar they say specifically and leave it 7 days for 25l of 23%. Am really looking forward to trying this out, cheap liqeur here we come :)
Last edited by EoinMag on Wed Oct 07, 2009 5:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: kilju

Post by mshergold » Wed Jul 27, 2011 3:17 pm

I made some on Thursday:

Approximately 3.5 litres of water
1.5kg Sugar
1 Tsp Youngs Super Wine Yeast
1 Tsp Youngs Yeast Nutrient
1 or 2 Tblsp Citric Acid

It bubbled, but has stopped (not sure when as I was away Friday to Monday) and most of the sugar has dropped to the bottom. Should I add more yeast and/or give it a shake?

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