Afternoon All.
So far the smallest I've found in the modern PET fermenter is 27litres which is huge if I'm trying to get 12 litres into bottles.
It would work but I'd prefer something a little over 1/2 that size, a half empty fermenter would make me nervous.
If you know if there is something in the 15-20litre range please post a link.
Thanks. Aamcle
Smaller Pressure Fermenters
Re: Smaller Pressure Fermenters
With a pressurised fv I would not worry about head space, if you are eg spunding at a couple of PSI it’s all CO2 anyway and then you can close transfer to a keg or (counter pressure) fill bottles.
- Drunk as a Skunk
- Posts: 904
- Joined: Tue Jan 15, 2013 11:42 am
- Location: Newton-le-Willows ( St Helens/Warrington)
Re: Smaller Pressure Fermenters
I know but the idea of a big FV less than half full is unsettling, I'd want to fill it and I'm trying for small batches
Re: Smaller Pressure Fermenters
How strong are pet fermenters? Strikes me that we are only talking about a few psi?
Would a corny work?
Would a corny work?
Re: Smaller Pressure Fermenters
The Kegland All Rounder is rated at 2.5 bar / 35 PSI (yes they are not quite the same) and I am guessing that the Keg King are rated to at least that too.
Plenty as long as you are careful to use a spunding valve, preferably with some sort of blow off trap. There have been users either using only the PRV or using a spunding valve but then absoloutely filling it and then massively dry hopping, causing the PRV/spounding valve to clog. The pressure keeps the krausen down but will not help if there is nowhere for the pressure to go.
Re: Smaller Pressure Fermenters
I'm in exactly the same boat - i generally yield 12litres into the fermentation bucket.aamcle wrote: ↑Wed Nov 10, 2021 5:16 pmAfternoon All.
So far the smallest I've found in the modern PET fermenter is 27litres which is huge if I'm trying to get 12 litres into bottles.
It would work but I'd prefer something a little over 1/2 that size, a half empty fermenter would make me nervous.
If you know if there is something in the 15-20litre range please post a link.
Thanks. Aamcle
I've been trying to justify buying the Fermzilla 27l -
Two things i like about it:
1) the dry hop hatch
2) that you can use it to carbonate and serve your beer - so no specific requirement to transfer to a keg after fermentation
On the latter point is all that head space just going to eat up co2 or do you think it would be about even as I purge my keg 2 or 3 before transfer anyway?
I'd be interested in any thoughts.
I have seen the Fermentor King Junior but mostly read below average reviews.
Many thanks
- Drunk as a Skunk
- Posts: 904
- Joined: Tue Jan 15, 2013 11:42 am
- Location: Newton-le-Willows ( St Helens/Warrington)
Re: Smaller Pressure Fermenters
I'm going to use a Corny keg and a Spunding valve, there will some head space but not that much. 27litres would be a lot but it would work and the fermentation would flush the air out.
If you can get a keg cheap it might suit you better.
If you can get a keg cheap it might suit you better.